Sheep for Sale
The Baalands sells ewe and ram lambs. Lambs are usually born in March and April and ready to go in July and August, after weaning and a several week adjustment period. At the time of sale, they will have been vaccinated twice for CDT (clostridium perfringins type C & D and tetanus) and treated for coccidia (with diclazuril), and tapeworms (with albendazole). Registration and transfer fees are included in the price.
Ewe and ram lambs are usually ready to go in late June and July.
Prices are $400 for ewe lambs and $600 for the best ram lambs.
Thirty-seven ewes were bred for the 2024 lamb crop. Sires included "Danny Boy" ELR 21141 NSIP (Ewe Lamb Right Farm, Dan/Jan Turner; Pennsylvania) and "Bones" USD 21050 NSIP (USDA-ARS Small Farm Research Center, Booneville, AR). Sons of these two rams were also used for breeding to the younger ewes in the flock.
The flock was certified scrapie-free on October 18, 2008. Due to changes in the Voluntary Scrapie Flock Certification Program, the flock is no longer enrolled. However, the flock remains mostly closed, with only occasional introductions of rams or ewes (rare).
Lambs for meat
Market lambs are usually available (usually all intact males) starting in July. You can check the prices at New Holland (PA) to determine the approximate value of market lambs. Lambs are sold on a per pound basis.
The farm-fresh lambs at the Baalands sell at a premium compared to those sold at public livestock auctions.
Market lambs can be delivered to a local abattoir for custom or federally-inspected slaughter. They can be delivered to your farm for on-farm slaughter (usually for a fee).
Katahdin sheep
Katahdin sheep